KC Light Rail

Your source for news and information on Kansas City’s light rail progress

November ‘08 is the date

February is out. November is in.

3 Comments so far

  1. Brent November 19th, 2007 9:15 am

    Why would they not do this at a regular election time like in April or August? I think the concern about voter turnout is a cop-out given that a) voter turnout is always poor and b) the voters have shown they will turn out for really important issues (ie the stadium tax last year). It just seems ridiculous to have the basic recommendation ready to go and wait almost an entire year to put it on the ballot.

  2. Dave November 19th, 2007 9:39 am

    I’m guessing that Councilman Ford and Mayor Funkhouser want as much time as possible to formulate the alternative plan and/or obtain a major regional ally or funding proposal and still make a 2008 ballot. The closing date for Nov. 2008 is Aug. 28. The closing date for items in the Feb. 2008 election is tomorrow.

  3. doinkman November 19th, 2007 11:08 am

    So 2 years later, were back to square one. Depressing.

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