KC Light Rail

Your source for news and information on Kansas City’s light rail progress

KCAIA Online Light Rail Forum

The Kansas City American Institute of Architects (KCAIA) chapter is hosting an online forum on light rail.

The forum asks several good questions to get the conversation going:

  • What do you think about developing a light rail system in KC? Would you ride it?
  • How do you think it should work with and augment the bus service in the metro area?
  • Do you think the metro area would be better served with an enhanced bus system, such as proposed by MARC’s Smart Moves program, and more MAX-style routes instead of light rail?
  • Do you think the proposed light rail route (Swope Park to KCI) is the most effective route or do you think there are other areas that should be included, such as extending in to Johnson County, and a revised plan considered?
  • Have you used light rail in other cities? Tell us about your experiences.
  • Aside from the light rail component, what do you think of the rest of the plan, such as the gondolas, and the removal of Broadway through Penn Valley Park?

You can visit the forum on their website: Light Rail: On Track in KC?

2 Comments so far

  1. Dave January 16th, 2007 9:10 pm

    awesome! kudos to the AIA for taking the lead here (not to mention jumping out in front with the very first mayoral forum).

  2. LT February 7th, 2007 9:11 pm

    Have been to Chicago,New York and London,and used the systems. KC doesn’t have the population or the density to support light rail. The first link might go to the airport if most of the land is in city hands because of cost. Then the trick would be to get the builders and the city to plan the density on the route. As for bus service we will need to have transit routes and people who need transit would need to move where the lines will be. We can’t give service to 150 sq miles.
    for your info Chicago 2 years ago was $50 million in the red with transit and has around 10 million people.

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