KC Light Rail

Your source for news and information on Kansas City’s light rail progress

Safe Transit Tonight

There is simply no safer way to travel than by using public transportation. The probability that you will be injured or killed while riding a bus, subway, or light rail is far less than any other mode of local transit — especially the private automobile. If you're going out this evening, please consider staying overnight at or near your destination. You can also walk, take the bus, or — at minimum — ride with a designated driver or call a cab. Another creative option is take Amtrak into Union Station from any of the area towns that also have service (Independence, Lee's Summit, Lawrence, Topeka). Have a safe and happy new year!

2 Comments so far

  1. Eric January 3rd, 2007 7:20 am

    Sadly bus service stops well before the bars close at 3:00 a.m. The community almost encourages drunk driving by providing no public transportation option for late night travel.

  2. Jim February 7th, 2007 10:40 am

    And sadly, much of the downtown development includes parking lots with very reasonable parking prices. One of the reasons Chicago, MPLS/St.Paul . . . have good, late night running transit is because the parking prices are very high - if parking prices went up in the KC metro, I would imagine that the ridership on the Metro would also go up. It seems that in KC there are so many competing and conflicting interests and each one seems intent on keeping transit in the “minor leagues.”

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